Miro Board for the training (2023-11)
Folder with the slide deck
Next steps
1. Let’s stay in touch
If you are interested in innovation skills and digital skills, you can
2. Check out the books I recommend

Peak-End Rule of an Experience is mentioned in Power of Moments from the Heath Brothers (great book) and also in Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahnenman
3. My short video on design thinking
4. Design thinking Resources
- IDEO Resources (DesignKit): http://www.designkit.org
- d.School Resources: https://dschool.stanford.edu/resources/
- Google Sprint: https://designsprintkit.withgoogle.com
- Strategyzer Resources: https://strategyzer.com
- Interaction design: https://www.interaction-design.org
- UXPin: Free eBooks
- https://www.uxpin.com/studio/ebooks/
- Service design methods https://www.thisisservicedesigndoing.com/methods
- How to run a decision workshop – great tool
https://ajsmart.com/ldj - What is your driving force? – take a test what is your main human need
- Pexels.com, Unsplash.com – a free source of stock images for commercial use
5. Digital tools
- Miro.com – online whiteboard, multipurpose. Freemium.
- Figma – more advanced digital design tool. Freemium.
- Marvel App – prototyping app, that can take picture of hand-drawn wireframes and make them interactive
- ChatGPT – your brainstorming companion
7. Interesting videos
Paper-based Lo-fidelity prototyping in practice
A series of videos about design thinking in daily life:
Extreme Listening with Deyah Khan (the director from Iran that shot documentaries with far-right an Jihadis): „Most Jihadis are driven by love.“
Prototyping at Google: