I do believe in secrets

You have probably heard about this quote. It originated around year 1900: Everything that can be invented has been invented. Some sources say it was Charles Holland Duel, U.S. Patent Comissioner, proposing to close the patent office as there is nothing more to claim for. It is not sure that this was actually said. Still, it […]

We’re F*cked. It’s Over.

Let me tell you a story about my hardest lesson learned in my career so far. A startup founder or CEO will eventually come to the “We’re fucked, it’s over” moment. The good thing is: All the successful companies has been there too. The hard things The title of this article comes from a great […]

4 things that help you finally start your business in 2016

[Reading time: 3 minutes.] You may want to start your own business and escape the corporation. Being an entrepreneur seems like a cool job these days. Plus, you get the freedom of what to do everyday and as a bonus, you may get rich. Maybe you did your resolution to start your business some time […]