Pokemon Go will not change the world. This is why.

I went out to a park yesterday to try out Pokemon Go. It is the biggest global hit of computer gaming of last few days. At first I thought that this game changed everything. Does it really? We caught few Pokemons using augmented reality. It felt so real, like the Pokemons were really there, hiding in parks, […]

A peaceful story for the overwhelmed

Some time ago, I was feeling down every day. Not everything at work went well. You have probably been there too. I felt anxious all the time. Not a happy time. Until one day… Life feels easier written down One day, I tried one thing that changed it a lot. I sat down, closed all the browser tabs, […]

It spreads like Ebola

I hated it. I believed that instant messaging at work is just for nerds that dislike face-to-face contact. We started using Slack last week. The result surprised me. This is a list of my findings, some exciting, some terrifying: #1 Slack makes us productive Slack is the new rising star of business apps, helping teams work […]